every man’s marriage

every man\'s marriageBought the book Every Man’s Marriage on CD (abridged). I figured out that I had already read the book (previously titled Every Woman’s Desire), but was a good listen either way. The story about Fred and his wife Brenda going through the struggles of life like we all do and one day Brenda telling Fred that her feelings were dead to him always brings chills to my skin. This book has great principles for men to follow to help them become the leader that God intended them to be in the home. It is even a great read for women to get an insight into how guys think and some of the reasoning behind our wierd behaviour. I can’t recommend this book highly enough as well as other book’s in the Every Man Series.

Go check it out on the New Life Ministries website.

Weekly Assignments on FredMiranda.com

Here are all the weekly assignments I have completed at FredMiranda’s forum site. This is mostly for archival sake than as a latest and greatest items.

open source “free” software racing

My friend Steve has bought a car, trailer/bus, and has gotten a crew together to compete in racing events. The car will be sporting tux the penguin (linux mascot) and other open source “free” software logos. He recently contacted Richard Stallman of FSF fame to request using an FSF logo on the car. Here is his response in typical Stallman fair:

Subject: Re: request for FSF usage- originally submitted to Dave Turner
From: “Richard M. Stallman”
Date: Sat, 16 Jul 2005 20:59:36 -0400
To: steve elzey

>I am not requesting sponsorship. The goal is to promote open source
>and electronic freedom ideologies.

I should point out that we are not in favor of open source. That is
the label of a different group that disagrees with our basic
philosophical values.

(See http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-software-for-freedom.html
for more explanation.)

That is a side issue as regards your specific request, but I feel
obliged to correct the misunderstanding rather than let it pass.

Dave suggested I email you.
I would like to aslo use the FSF logo and website address.

Do you mean, just put them on the car? Sure.
I am not sure precusely what is the “FSF Logo”.
Do you mean a gnu drawing?

Check out Steve’s racing site. Soon there will be t-shirts, hats and more.

cellphone quality

I’m sitting here at a clients (Newark, DE) and the employee sitting next to me is struggling to hear the person on the other end because that person is on a cellphone in an airport. Does the Verizon ad “Can you hear me now?” annoy you as well? Technology continues to advance in every area of our lives but with telephone and cellphone quality we settle for less than perfect. Telephone quality was never meant to be good as it was always meant to just transmit voice signals, but with cellphones we were promised digital connections and great quality. Personally I have yet to receive that level of greatness. I’ve used Verizon, Sprint, Nextel, and I am now with Cingular. All of these providers have there shortfalls, I’ve experienced crappy reception, crappy quality, dropped calls, increasing hidden pricing and more. When will we get more than adequate reception even in the most remote places? When will we be able to travel in our cars across state lines and not loose connection? When will we be able to have great quality and not have to pay out the rear for it? I’m not sure this day will ever come, but for the necessary evil of cellphones I’m less than impressed.


It’s official. We have bagworms and they are wrecking havoc on our trees out front near the road and out back on the border of our property. They are aparently very hard to kill little buggers and require manually removing the bags off of the trees to get rid of them for good. I was able to find some great resources about how to get rid alot of tree killing pests at the Gardens Alive website. They had a link to the University of Delaware that was very informative. It talked about the life cycle and when they feed.

We are going to try and get rif of them next June when they feed as we have missed most of the feeding time already. There is a natural bacteria that you can use on these nuggers called Bt (Bacillus thuringiensis) that basically stops the worms stomach and is not harmful to anything else. We are going to buy some soon so we can spray with a power washer next spring and summer.


Everyone seems to be getting into podcasting more and more. I just watched a video about how to create a podcast over at the systm.org website. They had alot of information in there latest video 0004 called podcasting. I really liked the idea of a backup recorder like the marantz PMD670 Professional Solid State Portable Recorder. It has alot of nice features and would be a great portable recording device. They also interviewed Leo Laporte who hosts the TWiT podcast. He has a nice setup with a Mackie mixer. I saw one one Musician’s Friend that looked affordable called the Mackie Onyx 1220 12-Channel Mixer. This mixer is really nice and even allows you to buy the *cough* $400 dollar fireware add-on card to allow a direct connection to your computer and record each track seperately into a audio program. The best part of the podcast was their recommendation of the program called Audacity. I’ve used this program before and it is a really nice audio editing program. I was able to split up a long mp3 file using labels into much smaller managable “chapters” to then put on CDs to listen in the car.

So I’m trying to figure out what I would like to podcast. If you got any ideas send them over to me or leave me a comment. Also if you would like to donate to help get me one of those portable recorders click on the donate link on the bottom right. Thanks!