Comcast Issues and New Pix

Well Comcast decided to do maintenance on the DC/Baltimore server and decided not to tell anyone in Maryland. Not even a nice simple email. So if you are reading this then my ip address change went through fine and I’m back up and running.

I also uploaded a whole bunch of new pics. Take a look. I added so many albums there are new ones on the first two pages. Yeah I know I was slackin.

Christmas 2004

Since I have gotten strict instruction to post my christmas list for 2004 I have now put it up. It is here: Christmas List 2004

It might get updated periodically from now until the 15th, but after that not much of a point. Remember to let Carla know (email or phone) if you decide to get anything so everything stays straight.

Carla’s list, if she gives me one, will be posted upon arrival.

Using a “Focus test chart” and learning about AF

I have been reading about Canon’s new 20D digital camera on Fred Miranda‘s forums and how some ppl have had issues with focusing. Having read about similar problems with the Canon 10D which I just purchased not to long ago I decided to test my AF (Auto Focus) out. There was a link to an article in the forum to the “Focus Test Chart” and also a pdf to help with testing your AF. The paper gave me a great understanding about how AF works and explains why I get out of focus photos some times. It has been USER ERROR! Not the camera. Well I went through the quick process of shooting the supplied focus test chart in the pdf and had no problems with back or front focusing (see pdf for description). I have also made a link on my site in case the other site goes down because this is so helpful. Link to local copy. Try it out today on any camera that uses Auto Focus!

How I got my Epson Perfection 3170 working in gentoo

Well I finally got my Epson Perfection 3170 working in Gentoo Linux with the epkowa drivers version 1.10.0-3.

I recieved this scanner for my birthday on March 9, 2004 and am now just getting it working in October 5, 2004! Talk about procrastinating on my part 🙂 It’s not like I didn’t try though. Any on to the goodies… click read more—>

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New Camera and pictures on pix page

Well I finally got my dream camera. At least the dream camera within my little budget 🙂 the Canon 10D. I was able to snag it off ebay with a vertical grip, 28-125 IS USM lense, and 256MB CF card for less then most go for just the camera itself. I took it out when we went to see Katelyn and Jackie (my cousins) at their horse back riding lessons. I got a few cute shots as I’m learning the new Canon EOS system. Check them out on my pix page (link on the left).