Take a caffeine nap – Lifehacker

Take a caffeine nap – Lifehacker

I’ve seen this info in a couple of places but stumbled upon it again today. Take a look see. It is abasically saying to take a nap after drinking caffeine as a way to get a extra super power nap. Basically you drink a cup of coffee, soda, etc that as caffeine and then take a 15 min nap no longer no shorter. Interesting indeed. I think I might try it.

Free iPod Bummer

Free iPod BummerWell I thought I was going to get a free ipod from ipods.freepay.com, but alas you cannot sign-up multiple users under the same address. Each account has to be from different addresses and have to sign up themselves 🙁 So I’m now back down to 2 referrals. I’m not sure if I will just quit or not. It makes me mad that FreePay (Gratis) is getting referral kickback money for the ones that they put on hold. I guess that is what I get for not reading “the fine print”. Maybe if I would get another referral in the next few weeks I would try again, but I signed up over 2 years ago so I think it might just be time to call it quits.

Phone + Toilet = Bad News

Motorola RAZR v3Well if you haven’t heard already I tanked my old Nokia phone in the toilet last week. It didn’t rattle or roll or bounce. It tanked straight into the down spout. While the toilet was flushing no less. I thought it was a goner. Luckily it back-washed and I was able to retrieve it. No it didn’t work (only lit up the backlight) and yes I was able to retrieve the contacts (with my nokia serial data cable and gnokii). So I decided to get a decent phone this time around (with phone insurance just in case). I decided on the Motorola RAZR V3 after looking at all the other options Cingular had at the store and online. It’s a pretty sweet phone with alot of goodies: camera, mp3 ringtones, bluetooth, usb port, etc.

I’m also trying out a new wordpress plugin called wp-mms which will allow me to text message photos. I’ll be posting under the moblog category so you’ll see interesting pictures and the like popping up from time to time.