Easy Ways to Save Money At The Gas Pump

At the pump

Here are a few simple things you can do to help improve the fuel economy of your vehicle and save money with every fill-up.

  • Air Pressure Check – You may be able to improve your gas mileage by more than 3% by keeping your tires properly inflated. The reco0mmended tire pressure for your vehicle is located on a sticker inside the driver-side dorr or noted in your owner’s manual.
  • Maintain Your Air Filter – Replacing a clogged air filter can improve your vehicle’s gas mileage by up to 10%
  • Watch The Weight – Excess weight in yout vehicle can reduce your gas mileage by 1-2% for every 100 pounds.
  • Know Your Oil – The proper grade of motor oil can improve your gas mileage by up to 2%
  • Keep It Tuned – Regular vehicle maintenance can improve your gas mileage by an average of 4.1%
  • Keep It Capped– About 147 million gallons of gas evaporat every year from vehicles without gas caps.
  • Avoid Fast Starts – Aggressive acceleration can reduce your gas mileage by up to 33%.

Info from goodyear flyer

Pictures: Aliza’s first photoshoot

Aliza's First Photoshoot

Carla and I wanted to capture out little Aliza before she outgrew this special stage in life. So we set up the photo equipment na dtook a few pictures. Carla did a great job behind the camera as I held Aliza most of the time. Aliza did great, didn’t fuss at all, anmd we only had one bathroom accident getting the obligatory naked photo ๐Ÿ™‚

Click here to see more on the pix page.

Another reason not to bother with freepay (aka freeipods.com)

freepay bites

Just got an email stating the following:

Important Change to Terms & Conditions

This email concerns an important change to the Terms & Conditions for [SiteAddress].

* With a start date of March 1, 2006 รขโ‚ฌโ€œ users of FreePay websites have 90 days to complete all offer requirements.
* Upon completion of all offer requirements, existing users will need to print a “Redemption Form” that must be filled out in its entirety and mailed with a postmarked date no later than 30 days of completing their offer requirements.

You will find an indication of how many days you have left to complete the requirements on the Status page. When you have completed the requirements you will be able to download the redemption form from the Status page.

To coincide with this change, look out for an update soon that will make it even easier to refer friends!

Best wishes

– The FreePay Team

Basically making it harder and more troublesome to get an iPod (or other freepay offered item). Here is what it says on my freepay member status page:

You have until 5/30/2006 to complete the full requirements, including all credits for your referrals.

90 days to get 5 referrals. Yeah right! Oh well maybe there loosing money giving away iPods lol!

DTV released as Democracy (Linux Preview)

The long awaited, open-source Democracy platform is a project of the Participatory Culture Foundation allowing you to subscribe to video RSS feeds (including podcasts, video blogs, and BitTorrent feeds), watch fullscreen and share with friends.

So I checked out Democracy and was impressed at the layout and that I was actually able to download content right away from the predefined feeds. I started watching a recent rocketboom without a hitch. That isn’t to say that there are no bugs. Full screen works, but with multiple monitors it scretches across both screen thus not supporting xinerama. The channel menu does not work for me and when I went to the channel guide and clicked on “more…” for a channel it bombs out. I later found out that I needed to make sure you add the mozilla prefs as specified on the DemoTV wiki. There are alot of options for IPTV and I’m sure it will only grow. Democracy allows one to view all of these options easily and subscribing to feeds is straight forward and the interface seems intuative. It looks very promising and I look forward to a stable build soon. See screenshots inside….

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Getting in Shape and Healthy

Yes. I know what you are thinking. It’s a new years resolution that will be short lived, but I think I’ve come to the point where I’m sick of being sick and tired. So I set out to find a few articles on getting back in shape without having to pay alot of money to the gym. The consensus is if I can get 20 min or more of intense cardio 3 times a week a could be loosing fat and staying fit. Here are some of the links I found that helped out:

So there is no more excuses for us geek not to do something about our health. Get out there and get moving.