Proper Environment for the Web Development

Great post on slashdot about setting up a proper environment web developing. I’m posting a good one here for future reference. Enjoy.

Actual article here.
Actual comment here.

This is Unix/OSX-centric, and I’ve been doing this for years and showing others the way:

* My code always has a standard layout (bin, conf, src, lib, and so on). No exceptions, because you never know when that little script will become a big app (this happens to me at least once a year).

* Use good coding practices: unit tests, continuous integration, whatever

* The code is checked into CVS/Subversion/Darcs, whatever. Use branches and so forth intelligently (dev on the trunk, release branches which are bugfix only, whatever). Make it “obvious” where the latest stable code always lives, so that someone besides yourself can deploy it.

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Christmas 2006

Better late than never, but here is my Christmas 2006 list:

    I’m hoping to get a Nintendo Wii after Christmas so I’ll need some goodies to make it great:

  • Extra Wii Remote
  • Extra Wii Nunchuck (add on to the remote)
  • Nintendo Wii 512 MB Card
  • Nintendo Wii Component Video Cables
  • Zelda: Twilight Princess Game
  • Excite Truck Game
  • I’m in need of a nice business card holder. Preferably durable metal since the plastic one I have is almost destroyed.
  • Boxers with elastic sown in (not showing but under the material) and button fly.

    Think Geek Wishlist

    That is all I can think of for now. I’ll be posting more until the 15th then I’ll stop. Thanks for looking!

  • New Blog at Vox

    Janell asked me the other day where to setup a blog that would be easy to use. I had heard an Inside the Net interview with one of the creators of TypePad and the company Six Apart about their latest creation Vox. She described it as an easy way to share photos, blog about life and much more. She was right. It’s a really easy way to blog. If you would like to try it out I have a few invites. Just shoot me over an email.

    I’ll be posting some over here as well as at Depending on how it goes over there I might migrate my blog to point to vox. So Stay Tuned