Baby 2 Sonogram 1

Baby 2 Sonogram 1 Yes it is official! Houston we have a bun in the oven. Our second is 14 weeks old and was bouncing around like a jumping bean. Still to young to tell the sex, but I think it is a boy 🙂 (I’ll be happy either way). So if you click on the link or meander over to the pix page you will find more in vitro contortions that ever.

More HPL memories in honor of the batcave burning down

Yes it was a sad day to see my old office burnt to a crisp. The Eric Bennett memorial futon will now only be a memory of the likes of Randy, Cone, Jeremy Heslop, Matt Brenneman and for a very short while Larry Lentner. So in honor of the fun times we had while I was there I uploaded a bunch of videos Randy, Patrick and I took. Enjoy,

More after the break…

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SuSE SLES 10 Migrating from NIS using MigrationTools

So we were moving a NIS database to LDAP under SUSE SLES 10 using the MigrationTools-47 scripts. It generated the ldif file, but would not import because it was failing on adding groups. This was the error we were getting:

(65) no structural object class provided

All we had to do is change this:

objectClass: posixGroup
objectClass: top

to this:

objectClass: posixGroup
objectClass: namedObject
objectClass: top

for each group in the ldif file. Then we redid slapadd -l file.ldif and everything worked.
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What would you do with $100K Check ?

What would you do with $100K Check ? Here are my answers.

10 questions

1. Would you spend 10k on tithe, or whatever religion you believe, or charity

Yes, to our church.

2. What would be luxury the splurge and how much and what do you buy ?

Probably a new(er) car since mine has over 270k miles.

3. If you had to choose between investing in stocks or real Estate what would it
be ?

Real Estate

4. Would you buy a new home ?

No, but maybe extend our current home.

5. Would you take a vacation and where ?

Someplace warm with nice beaches, ie Hawaii, Cancun, Bahamas, etc

6. Would it Change the way you carry yourself ?

No because $100k really isn’t that much. Give me a 10 million dollar check and we’ll see 😛

7. Would you pursue any new hobbies ?

Not really.

8. Do believe money would change you ?


9. Would you Start a business ?

Already have one or two of those. I guess another wouldn’t hurt.

10. Would you help any family out ?

Depends on the situation and if I would be enabling them in a harmful way or in a responsible way.