Vintage Felt Flowers

It’s been awhile since I’ve blogged, but I’d figure I would start up again for no other reason that I feel like it. So for my first one back I’m going to talk about flowers LOL. Not the typical man topic, but I do photography on the side and thought the flowers at this particular wedding where interesting enough to post a quick blog.

I follow Benfield Photography in google reader and he shot this beautiful shot of the bride and brides maid’s flowers. I had to take a closer look and yes they are felt and buttons! So off the wall and interesting I had to send them to my wife who likes to scrapbook and mess around with different types of paper and crafts.

Apparently the flowers where done by Meghan of Princess Lasertron and there are other examples of the felt and button work on her site. Very interesting indeed. I might have had to talk my wife into them if we were getting married. I’m sure I would have gotten shot down though.

Well thanks for checking in to my annual blog post 🙂 Hopefully I’ll have some more interesting things to say before the year ends.

An Afternoon of Photography: Janell and Caleb

This afternoon was an extended photo session! I was able to take photos of Janell and Caleb all within two hours time. You can see the photos of Caleb on my photography site and pictures of Janell will be coming soon. But I couldn’t help but put together a quick collage of an idea that Janell and I had about shoes.
Janell Shoe Collage

Caleb Sheats