Check out this greatest video to come out this year: then click on more to read the background story!
Category Archives: video
One more video…(well two but who is counting)
Just a quick one of Josiah. We tried to get him to smile, but he was hungry. Go figure!
And a quicky of Aliza being no other than herself.
Another day, another dollar
Some days feel like they never end. This wasn’t one of them lol but nonetheless it was a work day. Getting motivated is harder than it sounds especially when sinus’ and work you don’t want to do are upon you. I had two proposals to do and I got neither of them done. I guess there is always tomorrow.
I actually had aspirations of sitting down at Starbucks to do some work. Instead I went on autopilot and went home after lunch. Which was fine because I got some project work done, but that wasn’t my plan.
Anyway being a dad, husband, boss and a blogger seems like it is alot for anyone person. I guess if any one had to go the blogger one would be the easiest to let slide. But not this month. I tried to post yesterdays blog post, well yesterday, but it didn’t happen until after 12am. So here I’m posting one a tad bit before midnight and I’ll leave you with a video to watch of Aliza fishing with her Granddad. Watch as she runs from the fish. lol!
Just to those who are keeping track. My wife, Carla, has posted a blog entry every day in April so far! Not fair that’s my job. I’ll just have to keep her busy tomorrow and maybe I’ll beat her. hehe
Blogging is hard to do
Blogging takes time, thought, energy, and more time lol All of which it seems I have none of recently, but I’m going to try and do it this month. A post a day. Should be interesting and fun. My main frustration with this processes is focus. Each blog seems to focus in on a specific area such as gadgets, seo, gtd, video, etc and post on those specific topics only breaking from the mold for interesting yet still related topics.
My blog is all about me. So finding a niche and sticking to it would paint myself in a box of only talking about certain things. I want to talk about everything. Seems daunting, but I’m willing to try even if it means going down in a flaming fireball. So with that said I leave you with an older video that I never posted to the web.
For those who haven’t seen this yet. It’s quite hilarious…
Apple Makes me Mad!
Ok well jealous with envy is more like it! They are releasing all kinds of new goodies today including the latest iPod Touch which is like an iPhone without the phone. You can even purchase songs straight off of iTunes. Crazy!
I was checking things out here for updates:
More HPL memories in honor of the batcave burning down
Yes it was a sad day to see my old office burnt to a crisp. The Eric Bennett memorial futon will now only be a memory of the likes of Randy, Cone, Jeremy Heslop, Matt Brenneman and for a very short while Larry Lentner. So in honor of the fun times we had while I was there I uploaded a bunch of videos Randy, Patrick and I took. Enjoy,
More after the break…
Ahhh memories
An oldie but a goodie from back in the HPL days:
Girl who paints what God shows her
Amazing story of a girl who paints what she sees in visions.
Can’t have a temper tantrum when no one is around to see it.
White and Nerdy
Hilarious video. Weird Al bustin the rap!