His Needs, Her Needs: Building an Affair-Proof Marriage (Review)

I just finished reading, “His Needs, Her Needs: Building an Affair-Proof Marriage” and I must say I’m impressed. While Carla and I are by no means anywhere close to an affair the book does go over how neglecting key needs in a marriage can deduct from ones “Love Bank” and ultimately end up in an unhealthy marriage (or affair).

After introducing the basic idea of the “Love Bank” and going over the 10 basic needs everyone has the book then alternates chapters between a need for him and a need for her. It was fun to read the chapters speaking to the wife (the guys needs) and thinking in my head “yeah that’s the ticket” then only go over how I have some work to do when going over the wife’s needs.

I’d highly recommend this book to anyone who wants to strengthen their marriage. No matter where you fall on the scale from 1-10 you can learn something from this book. When the author has put in so much time and research in marriage counseling you can tell he knows a thing or two about the needs of a healthy marriage.

My Wife Thinks I’m Stealing My Blog Posts!!

My wife likes me

I wrote a blog post yesterday about daylight savings. Check it out if you haven’t read it yet. So my wife reads the posts laughs at a few of the items in the list (especially the spending time with the special someone since she knows I’m referring to her) and then proceeds to ask me (for the second time mind you) if I came up with this list myself! Preposterous I tell you!!! Well I guess I should be flattered since she meant well and it was supposed to be a compliment. So I’ll take it as such, but it was funny that she did it almost twice in a row (She didn’t think I wrote this one either). I love you wife!

Fill your marriage: Love and Respect

After seven years of marriage I still find myself falling into the same bad habits that put my wife and I in the “crazy cycle”. Occasionally though a book will come along that gives a different perspective on marriage. The book Love and Respect by Dr Eggerichs transformed my outlook and brought my focus back to were it belonged. I can’t say I’ve worked the “Energizing Cycle” or the “C-O-U-P-L-E” principles to a T but I can honestly say they do work. Filled with fun examples of different communication styles and stories of couples who have attended the Love and Respect conferences keeps the book fun and interesting while hitting home on so many topics. I find my self laughing and then saying ouch all at the same time.

If you need a little marriage pick me up, some new techniques to apply in your marriage or just want to fall more in love with your wife then I encourage you to pick up this book. Your marriage needs you to make it work! Don’t let the everyday drag get you down.