Twitter Updates for 2008-04-10

  • Ugh I’ve been selected for Jury Duty #
  • Waking up at 3am is hard to do. Waking up to feed a crying 6 week old is even harder #
  • @wildheart4vr Flock and Firefox both use the same engine. Read for more info. CC: @Ed_Dale #
  • When blasting times on twitter it would be helpful to state timezones (yes that means you @kevinrose some know you are on PST but not all) #
  • @kevinrose Also would be helpful to post a link 🙂 #
  • Why is it so hard to click on a bouncing app in the dock on OSX? I should be able to click anywhere near it not just on it! #
  • Anyone else having issues with twhirl not opening up firefox or safari? #
  • @hotdogsladies When do the chew toys go up for sale on your site? Also where are the anti-video people. Would like to see the fun. #
  • @Ihnatko I agree that lens rox. Here is one in the studio It is my favorite portrait lens #
  • going to get Mexicano (Plaza) w00t! #
  • thanks @guykawasaki for filling my twitter with naked people #
  • and don’t say naked in your post or you get followers who post sex tip videos #

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TextMate is the best editor evaaaaar!

Yeah, so I love TextMate. It is in my opinion one of the greatest text editors. It is easy to use, has great features (see below), makes it easy to program (especially in php) and is all around great. Yeah I know I could expound more, but I’m doing other things so read the features below or check out the site. Definitely worth the money (OSX only).

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* Support for Darcs, Perforce, SVK, and Subversion
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* Switch Between Files in Projects With a Minimum of Key Strokes
* Themable Syntax Highlight Colors
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* Works As External Editor for (s)ftp Programs
* Works Together With Xcode and Can Build Xcode Projects

Twitter Updates for 2008-04-07

  • @JasonCalacanis: those muppet bloopers were the best! I got rolled 4 times today lol! #
  • Here is what retweeting means #
  • If you wait to late to do work you will stay up to late…profound I know #
  • Retweeting @gurubob: I keep seeing people use the term retweeting. WTF is retweeting?? (check out twhirl) #
  • talk is cheap…show my the rick roll! #
  • @ScottBourne so sorry to hear that Scott! I was just trying to visit todayand saw it was down…I was wondering what was going on good luck #
  • Is it so wrong to listen to Fusion Radio Chicago 128kbps in iTunes? I have this thing for coding to dance music. wierd huh? #
  • @guykawasaki you mean that wasn’t you who is giving away a MacBook Air? dang it! #
  • Another recommendation from Leo at this rate I’ll be broke before next Tues! #
  • why does vnc over dsl have to be slow?! #
  • paying for att wifi @ starbucks is it crazy to want to save $10 a month? #
  • Wondering if twitter is just for a list web celebs because who cares/follows is little guys #

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