Leveraging Online Social Networks to Increase Business

I follow the LinkedIn blog in google reader and watched a video about how a small Investment Banking company managed to make over $300k+ by leveraging their contacts on linked in. Ron Lissak, a managing partner of the company, talked about how he was able to search for the right people and find many opportunities through LinkedIn. I’m trying to learn more on how to leverage online resources for my business so I thought I would pass the information along. The LinkedIn blog has been a great read and has presented many ideas for me to expand on. You can read the original article or watch the video below.

LinkedIn Users – Investment Banking

Other resources for using LinkedIn:

Blogging is hard to do

Blogging takes time, thought, energy, and more time lol All of which it seems I have none of recently, but I’m going to try and do it this month. A post a day. Should be interesting and fun. My main frustration with this processes is focus. Each blog seems to focus in on a specific area such as gadgets, seo, gtd, video, etc and post on those specific topics only breaking from the mold for interesting yet still related topics.

My blog is all about me. So finding a niche and sticking to it would paint myself in a box of only talking about certain things. I want to talk about everything. Seems daunting, but I’m willing to try even if it means going down in a flaming fireball. So with that said I leave you with an older video that I never posted to the web.

For those who haven’t seen this yet. It’s quite hilarious…