After seven years of marriage I still find myself falling into the same bad habits that put my wife and I in the “crazy cycle”. Occasionally though a book will come along that gives a different perspective on marriage. The book Love and Respect by Dr Eggerichs transformed my outlook and brought my focus back to were it belonged. I can’t say I’ve worked the “Energizing Cycle” or the “C-O-U-P-L-E” principles to a T but I can honestly say they do work. Filled with fun examples of different communication styles and stories of couples who have attended the Love and Respect conferences keeps the book fun and interesting while hitting home on so many topics. I find my self laughing and then saying ouch all at the same time.
If you need a little marriage pick me up, some new techniques to apply in your marriage or just want to fall more in love with your wife then I encourage you to pick up this book. Your marriage needs you to make it work! Don’t let the everyday drag get you down.
Interesting post Jerm… I’ll definitely have to check this out. Any help with communication that I can get I need to take advantage of!
Chads last blog post..Vacation is Over
I am seaching for some idea to write in my blog… somehow come to your blog. best of luck. Eugene
Looks a really good read, might make a good present for my wife thanx
Sounds like a really great book. There are so many couples out there that don’t realize having a good marriage takes work. It’s nice to see that there’s help for those of us that are willing to work at it! Thanks for the info on the book!
Great thoughts. Haven’t read this book… but I have heard great things about it. I blogged recently about a free couples survey that Northwood Church in Keller, Texas has been offering (through in conjunction with their marriage series.
Good stuff…
.:rweaver:.s last blog post...: Chuck Norris and Google…
is what they never fails
This was very informative. Thanks for sharing.
I really don’t think there is ever to much advice on marriage. It is always nice to hear a new point of view. I ask EVERYONE how long have you been married. I have been with the same man for 12 years. Married for almost a year. It is harder. They say it changes people. I think we have more expectations as husband & wife. I don’t think you really ever know some one fully. Thank you for careing about people who love each other. I hope it will help me. Respect is key.