300k Miles!

So this morning I hit 300k miles in my 1993 Honda Accord SE! I’ve owned my car since 1999 and I got it with 78k miles on it. So I’ve driven it an average of 22,200 miles a year. At my current miles per gallon of 25 at the current gas prices I would have spent over $1580 a year or $15,800 over the last 10 years. I could have bought a new car 🙂 I had my Flip Video MinoHD (that Carla got me for my birthday. Thanks beautiful!) with me so I captured the moment of going from 299,999 to 300,000. A momentous occasion I’m sure.

Like I mentioned in the video I’ve had a great time driving my little Honda. Maybe I’ll get another 100k our of it!

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Yes it is dusty 🙂 I haven’t cleaned in awhile.

23 thoughts on “300k Miles!

  1. I tell you what, don’t sell the car – that is an achieveable number. I’ve never owned a car that lasts that long to get up 300k. The highest I’ve done was on my 1994 Honda accord (251k). I like the video. keep it coming dude.

    • Congrats on getting so far. I’m sure you’ll make it to 200 with a VW. You’ll have to post back if you get to 300k 🙂

  2. It is great if you can drive a car more than 200 k is great success and you want one 100k more, which will be amazing.

  3. Glad to see you’re so excited! Honda Accords are really reliable and you clearly demonstrate that. I have heard of poeple reaching great number of miles on their cars but not 300k. My wife owns a Buick, and those cars are also really reliable.

  4. It just goes on to show how reliable your car is, even though few people think that cars which have ran for so many miles are really no longer reliable. But I think such cars are very reliable but it’s all down to how you maintain it and with time how much emission are they making. Now a days there are cars which gives more miles per gallon than 25.

  5. Nice video posted there… good camera work. I think this the most economical car I ve ever heard of or seen. You got to have gr8 economic values in life. Even after 10 long yrs 25mpg is a great number…

  6. I have never heard of a petrol lasting that long. Have you had any major work done? You should compare the costs against UK petrol prices then you will be impressed 10 fold. It costs on average £5.49 per gallon 🙁

  7. Yowza; now THAT’S some good mileage. I think the highest mileage car I’ve had was my 1991 Beretta, which made it up to 280k.

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