All the good ideas are taken. Lost item locator.

Had a thought last night as I was searching for my daughters pacifier for more than 15min as she was upstairs crying her little eyes out. “Pink passy” she crys from atop the stairs as I rummage around the kitchen, living room and across every corner, nook and cranny. My thought was, “If there was an RFID tag on that stupid passy I could have already found this thing!” After I finally found said passy behind the pantry door I wondered if such as product existed that allowed you to place a small RFID tag onto any item and then locate it with a transceiver by walking around the house. Seems it was such as good idea that someone already patented it. Not that I should be suprised because all the good ideas are taken! Well not really, but any of the obvious ones I come up with seem to be. So maybe one day I’ll come up with something that no one has patented, copyrighted or otherwise thought up and do something really great.

12 thoughts on “All the good ideas are taken. Lost item locator.

  1. Not only have all the good ideas been taken, even a good portion of the junk ideas is no longer up for grabs (I can send you a few USPTO patents or applications as proof). So much so that should I ever find myself in sudden possession of a great unpatented idea I’d be inclined to doubt its greatness…

    Stephans last blog post..Tangerine Dream

  2. So, the patent exists but the product doesn’t on the consumer market. D’oh! I must say, that would be a great buy for me, too. I lost a set of keys somewhere about the house a few months ago and I have no idea where they are. In case you don’t know, don’t ever lose your car keys if your car has an alarm. The dealership will really take a bite out of you to replace them. Instead of paying $120 to replace our Jeep key, we’re just going on the one. Now I’m totally obsessive-compulsive about making sure I don’t lock the keys in the car.

  3. WOw good one! I think this will work with every parent who is looking for things which the kids throw and start crying on not finding them.

  4. There are products already available! Loc8tor Lite, GE Find it, other key finders, etc! Google!

  5. Thanks for trying to help, but this article was created almost a year ago. Alot less info was available on google at the time. Thanks for stating the obvious!

  6. In case you don’t know, don’t ever lose your car keys if your car has an alarm. The dealership will really take a bite out of you to replace them. All the great ideas are not taken.

  7. All the good ideas may be taken, but they aren’t all marketed very well. Even though your RFID tag has been invented already no one uses them. There is still a market to sell it and make money off of it.

  8. Nice post! it is interesting and informative, this is cool. i like to have a gadget like that.thanks for the share….

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