SuSE SLES 10 Migrating from NIS using MigrationTools

So we were moving a NIS database to LDAP under SUSE SLES 10 using the MigrationTools-47 scripts. It generated the ldif file, but would not import because it was failing on adding groups. This was the error we were getting:

(65) no structural object class provided

All we had to do is change this:

objectClass: posixGroup
objectClass: top

to this:

objectClass: posixGroup
objectClass: namedObject
objectClass: top

for each group in the ldif file. Then we redid slapadd -l file.ldif and everything worked.

This is all due to the way SUSE handles LDAP groups in the rfc2307bis.schema file in openldap.

If you want to edit the MigrateGroup scripts to handle this for you just edit the file and change the lines (around line 69) from:

print $HANDLE "objectClass: posixGroup\n";
print $HANDLE "objectClass: top\n";


print $HANDLE "objectClass: posixGroup\n";
print $HANDLE "objectClass: namedObject\n";
print $HANDLE "objectClass: top\n";

And that should be it. Happy ldaping!

One thought on “SuSE SLES 10 Migrating from NIS using MigrationTools

  1. Thanx man, I was searching for the

    [quote]print $HANDLE “objectClass: namedObject\n”;[/quote]

    line about two hours.

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