Yeah I bought one when the last deal was going on…got it in next to my 21″ Sony GDM-F520 and the contrast blows my sony out of the water. I paid over $1500 for that friggin CRT! I went ahead and got another 20.1 inch to make it dualies on my humble GeforceFX5900. It will be sw33t!
Dell Home has the very nice Dell UltraSharp 2005FPW 20.1″ LCD Monitor with Stand back on sale for $749
– 35% off code WFQ9X9GW1VT?2R – $60 off $500 code B5SM90M526JSBK. Total is $394 + $3 Shipping = $397. And they also have the Dell UltraSharp 2405FPW 24″ LCD Monitor for $780 after coupons!