I have a Nikon Coolpix 5700 and formatted the CF card before pulling off all the files. Ones that Carla wanted too! PhotoRec got them all back and more. You can find PhotoRec here: http://www.cgsecurity.org/index.html?photorec.html
This program works in windows or in linux!
Here are the steps I used to recover them: (click on Read More to see steps)
I logged in as root to do these commands.
Make sure you have the card you want to recover in your camera or compact flash reader. Change /dev/sdb1 to wherever your camera is mounted.
$ dd if=/dev/sdb1 of=cf-ultra conv=noerror,sync
$ photorec /r ./cf-ultra
I chose to copy the partition of the compact flash card so if I needed the original card for more picture taking I could use it.
That’s it. It recoverd all my images (jpg) into a recup_dir in the current directory I was in.